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Anticipating a changing meta and building the right deck to beat it

I’ve got something a little different for you all today. I had considered writing a guide to control mage, and I did just about the bare minimum needed for that—24 games with one list at rank 1 and legend—but I think the archetype is pretty well understood, and other people have written about it at length recently. (naturesbfLoL just shared an excellent guide to what’s arguably the archetype’s most important matchup earlier this morning!) There will be an abridged deck guide at the end of this post, but the bulk of it will be devoted to a topic I don’t think we’ve had much discussion of: reading the meta and choosing and teching a deck that will beat tomorrow’s popular lists.
Here’s the decklist: AAECAf0ECNACigfTxQKb0wLy0wKj6wK38QLF8wILTYoByQPsB8rDApbHAtXhAtfhApbkAr7sAqbwAgA=
And here’s proof that I won at least one game at legend with this list. I don't use any kind of deck tracker, so that's all you get!
Your first question might be "Why go to the trouble of doing a bunch of analysis and sifting through out-of-game resources trying to predict the future when you could just pick the meta’s best deck and play that?" I see a lot of people here and elsewhere repeat questions and complaints about grinding their way to legend that make the same assumption. Can it be done with anything that’s not "a tier 1 deck"? Is there any point in playing archetype X when archetype Y has a winrate so much higher? Many people in the post-nerf KnC meta insisted that murloc paladin was the surest path, or the only sure path, to legend. But the obsession with archetype "tiers" is misguided.
Let’s say you just missed legend last season, and you start the new season at rank 5, one star. Naturally, you pick the archetype with the best winrate from the Data Reaper report for your grind. In a settled meta, that winrate is probably only 52 or 53 percent, but let’s say—generously—that your skill lets you push it up to 55 percent. At that rate, you’ll have to play 203 games to reach legend†—on average. That’s over 200 games just for a 50/50 shot at making it by the end of the month. To have 95 percent confidence of reaching legend, you’ll need to budget time for 499 games. Even if you’re playing a very fast deck and averaging six minutes per game, that’s 50 hours each month you need to commit to the game. For many players like me, that’s not possible.
What can you do, then, if simply picking "the best deck" isn’t enough? Let’s say you have, on average, about half an hour a day to commit to the ladder (that's roughly what I have in a normal month), and let’s also say you’re going to be playing a slower deck—you’re going to average about nine minutes per game. Now you only have time for about 100 games in a month. With a 70 percent winrate, you’ll have 95 percent confidence of getting it done in that time. (On average, you’ll do it in 59 games.) But how do you win seven games out of ten if the "best" archetypes usually hover around 52 or 53 percent? You either master an extremely powerful, extremely skill-intensive deck (e.g., patron warrior or highlander priest) or you get ahead of the meta. The release of a new expansion is a great time to do the latter, because the meta changes dramatically and frequently, although this is something you can do in all but the very stalest metagame states.
This figure and those that follow come from this handy little site.
On the first day of the Witchwood, I climbed from 7 to 3 in the process of trying out various new decks—mostly even paladin and tempo rogue. I didn’t get to play on Friday, but on Saturday, seeing that paladin had quickly become the "it" class, I looked for a list that would perform well against it while still standing up to hunter and warlock, the classes I had been seeing most. I settled on this even warlock list from Senfglas, which carried me smoothly to rank 1 in the limited time I had to play on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday morning (didn’t get to play on Sunday).
By Tuesday, I had the sense that the meta was shifting again—hunter and shaman had nearly disappeared, and cubelock was back on top—so I turned to the internet to confirm this (you can check Data Reaper LIVE for near-real-time class breakdowns by rank) and to see what new decks people were chattering about. There are many places to look for this sort of information, but I find that just taking the pulse of Twitter and scanning the daily "Ask /CompetitiveHS" thread right here is often enough to get a feel for which way the wind is blowing. A lot of people were buzzing about taunt druid being a strong answer to cubelock, so I decided to gamble on that being the next hot deck. There was a little buzz about quest rogue too, but I wagered—correctly, I think, based on overall meta trends, although I personally queued into and got butchered by two quest rogues, and only saw one taunt druid!—that people would gravitate toward taunt druid, because it was reportedly strong against both paladin and warlock (whereas quest rogue gets wrecked by paladin). Players tend to have a slightly-too-long memory for the meta, too, and I expected that although odd hunter was no longer relevant, fear of it would influence the quest rogue vs. taunt druid choice in the same way.
If paladin (showing great diversity but mostly focused on wide, relatively fast aggressive strategies) and warlock (overwhelmingly cubelock) are the top classes, and I expect taunt druid to join them, what should I be playing? Can any archetype reliably beat all three? I saw some of the early adopters of taunt druid complaining about Hex ruining their combo and decided that control mage was worth a try. I have a lot of experience with the archetype, my collection is suitable to experiment with it (i.e., I have fringey legendaries like Sindragosa and Dragoncaller Alanna that are worthwhile in exactly this deck but otherwise not worth crafting), and although conventional wisdom says that it loses badly to cubelock, I was willing to bet that conventional wisdom was wrong—the loss of N’Zoth really hurts warlock in this matchup, and with heavy anti-weapon tech to take Skull of the Man’ari out of the equation, I believed that I’d actually be strongly favored. (It’s a small sample on paper, but the results bore those expectations out—none of the games were even close. naturesbfLoL’s experience and analysis also support my conclusions.)
The three classes I expected to be most popular would all be favorable matchups. What would my bad matchups be? Quest rogue, certainly; I just hoped that people would be afraid to run it in the teeth of so many paladins. Tempo mage, but I expected it would also continue to be suppressed by paladin. Face hunter and Shudderwock shaman had already nearly disappeared. Quest warrior and combo priest could be tough, but they were trending down. I made two tech/flex choices based on these expectations: I’d run multiple weapon-removal cards to improve the paladin and warlock matchups, and I’d choose Dragoncaller Alanna as my main late-game bomb (along with Sindragosa). She’s weak to hard board clears—Twisting Nether, Brawl, Psychic Scream—but I knew that warlocks had overwhelmingly chosen to forgo the former, and if my predictions were wrong, and control warrior and control/combo priest did turn out to be prominent, I was going to struggle anyway.
Most of the decklist is set in stone at this point; the rotation of Firelands Portal and Ice Block really settled the question of which spells to run.
That makes eighteen core cards. Next are some slots where similar cards are always played, but there’s a little room to respond to the meta.
We’re now up to 24–26 cards, depending on how much weapon removal and how many Dolls we’ve included. Time to put the finishing touches on the list and really tune it for the meta.
The DK wins a lot of games by herself, but can’t beat everything (and sometimes you just never draw her). You need a couple of alternative win conditions, which is where we see the most variation in control mage lists. As I noted above, I chose Dragoncaller Alanna and Sindragosa, concentrating as much power as possible in as few cards as possible and leaving a couple utility slots open. If Twisting Nether, Brawl, and Psychic Scream become more prominent in the meta, I’ll have to drop Alanna, but right now few popular decks can answer her.
A lot of people run the Lich King, which is also a solid choice, and/or Toki, which is fine, but suboptimal in my estimation. Many also run Alexstrasza, which I strongly disagree with. You don’t have the burst damage to turn her into an effective offensive weapon, and without Ice Block, it’s difficult to use her as a defensive tool (besides, there are a number of popular decks—cubelock, Mind Blast priest, miracle rogue, etc.—that can burst you down from well above 15 anyway).
If you pick two or three big threats to top your curve, you’ll have two or three spots left for utility cards. I decided to try, and am really liking, two copies of Arcane Keysmith, which is a great little Swiss Army knife that lets you tailor your secret choice to the matchup at hand, making even niche picks like Mana Bind and Frozen Clone devastatingly effective sometimes.
I added a single Rotten Applebaum to shore up the weak face hunteodd rogue matchup a bit. As it turns out, I didn’t encounter any of those decks, but it’s still a decent 30th card. The slot could be devoted to any number of other options, of course: the Lich King for more pressure and value, Skulking Geist to counter various combos lurking on the fringes of the meta (e.g., Togwaggle druid), even a third weapon-destruction minion.
So, how’d it work? In 24 games at rank 1 and low legend (from around 3400 to just shy of 2000), the deck went 17-7. Specifically, the matchups broke down like this:
I encountered no shamans and no hunters, and a number of these decks (murloc paladin, Vivid priest, quest warrior, and tempo mage) only showed up at legend. Even taking those opponents into account, the three classes I expected to dominate the rank 1 ladder—paladin, warlock, and druid—made up fully half of my opponents, and I think I was unlucky to encounter so few druids; per Data Reaper LIVE (as of this posting), druid makes up 22 percent of the rank 1 meta (nearly 25 percent at rank 2) and is nearly twice as common as rogue (druid, warlock, and paladin combined are well over 60 percent of rank 1). I went 11-1 against the classes I was targeting.
Notably, there’s a tremendous difference between ranks 1–4 and legend right now. The top four classes remain the same, but their relative frequency goes from druid > paladin > warlock > rogue (with, again, druid being nearly twice as common as rogue) to the exact inverse: rogue > warlock > paladin > druid. This means that just reaching legend effectively weakened my deck a little. And the meta doesn’t just change from rank to rank—it’s in a constant state of flux. By the time you read this, Togwaggle may have already supplanted Hadronox as the weapon of choice for druids, and control mage’s moment may have already passed.
All the same, I hope that my explanation of the process of analyzing the meta, predicting which decks you need to target, and choosing and teching a deck to do so has been helpful to some of you. And if you do want to give control mage a spin—it’s a fun deck and, as I think I’ve shown, can be built to target fairly wide swathes of the meta—some tips and notes on strategy follow.
Always keep Jaina. I said it before, I’ll say it again—unless you know the game is going to be over before turn 9, always keep her. She is the alpha and omega of this deck, and finding her on the mulligan hugely improves your odds of winning.
You always want Doomsayer and Tar Creeper unless you’re certain you’re against an opponent who will put no pressure on you, and you obviously want your weapon-removal tools if you expect your opponent to have weapons (you’ll sometimes want to keep them even against, say, druid, just to have something proactive to do early). If you know for sure that you’re up against a Spiteful deck, you should toss Raven back—it won’t be able to draw anything on turn 2—but otherwise, always keep it.
You almost always want to keep Dragon’s Fury; it’s your cheapest and potentially strongest board clear, and you always want to use it earlier rather than later, so that it doesn’t whiff because there are no spells left in your deck. It’s also better for Raven and your second copy of Fury to have the first in your hand. Cubelock, which will never have a Fury-able board on turn 5, is the principal exception to this rule; combo decks that never build a board, like Vivid priest, are also exceptions, but much rarer in the meta.
The same principle applies, a little less strictly, to Polymorph—you don’t want to lowroll it with Raven or Fury, so keep it on the mulligan if you think you can afford to (or if your opponent might get something huge out early, like Edwin or a Mountain Giant—you should always keep it and Voodoo Doll against cubelock).
Use your life as a resource. They have poor burst but endless reserves of small threats; don’t be afraid to take a few extra points of damage to catch a few extra minions with each spell. Keysmith can be absurdly strong—look for Counterspell before odd paladin’s turn 5 or even paladin’s turn 4 (if you’re on the coin); Spellbender and Mirror Entity can be backbreaking too, especially if you read the opponent’s hand well.
Tempo and miracle rogue, though quite different to play, are similar from the mage’s perspective. They’re basically the opposite of paladin: They can burst you for a ton, but they struggle to build a wide board, so you can be fairly liberal with your spells. Flamestrike on a couple of 4/4s is often the right play.
Reserve Poly, Meteor, and Voodoo Doll for Edwin, Questing, and Thug if possible. Look for Ice Barrier, Vaporize, Explosive Runes, or Spellbender according to the circumstances. Note that neither archetype ever plays Vanish, so getting Alanna down ASAP with 4+ dragons is often an instant win.
Quest rogue is basically impossible. Have fun with that!
Be careful with Doomsayer. Used correctly, it can deny them a turn 4 Mountain Giant or, with Blizzard, crush their entire post-DK board; used sloppily, it gives them free activations of Lackey and Cube. Dig for weapon removal—it’s very hard for them to win without Skull. Don’t Poly a Giant unless you really have to; you want to save them for Doomguard or, if they give you the opportunity, Cube. (Voidlord poses no real threat—you’re happy for the DK to rez a couple of those and a bunch of Voidwalkers if it means no Doomguards.)
Against taunt druid, dig hard for Polymorph, and then Poly things: Hadronox or a Cube that ate Hadronox if they let you; Arthas if they don’t. If they only get Hadronox off once (or if you somehow stop them from getting it off at all), you basically can’t lose. It’s really that simple.
Spiteful druid is basically like mega-paladin—lots of threats, almost no burst; you can let yourself get quite low before stabilizing. Hold Voodoo Doll, if you can, for the possibility of a Tyrantus highroll from Summoner; save Doomsayers to use with Blizzard later—a combo they can generally only beat with Spellbreaker. They’re usually slow to develop a board in the first few turns anyway, so Doomsayer is less impactful then. Counterspell or Mana Bind is hilarious if you know they have UI in hand.
Against Togwaggle, tech Skulking Geist and dig for that. Dump cards to prevent them from comboing you, if you have to.
The above four classes are about 75 percent of the high-level meta right now, and I don’t have a great wealth about advice about off-meta matchups anyway. Mind Blast priest plays a lot like miracle rogue; Vivid Nightmare priest plays a lot like slowly drowning in quicksand. Against hyper-aggressive rush decks (face warrior, tempo mage, odd hunter, etc.), be ruthless with their board and your hand. You have way more value than you need—if you can save a few points of health by Flamestriking Spellbreaker, Blizzarding an empty board with Artificer, or Polymorphing Mana Wyrm (I did this twice in one game and won), do it.
submitted by mister_accismus to CompetitiveHS [link] [comments]

Things I wish I knew when I started nursing school...

Seeing all of your acceptance posts has made me a little nostalgic, I guess, because a year ago I was in your shoes. I just thought I'd share a few tips about nursing school, and life in general, that I wish I could have told myself when I first started. If you're looking for specific advice about what stethoscope to buy or which scrubs are the best, this is the wrong post. But if you need a little pep-talk and some positivity, you're in the right place. If I can make you smile, or put your mind at ease for even one second, then my work here is done. So if you'd like "GuitarHero's crash-course on nursing school and life," buckle up and read on.
  1. Yes, you're smart enough for this. God, we fill our lives with so much doubt and negativity, don't we? "Am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Am I ____ enough?" The answer to all of those questions is "yes." Thousands of people do this every year. You can too. You'll find your way one day at a time, I promise.
  2. That doesn't mean it'll be easy. Nursing school is tough, there's no getting around that fact. You'll experience plenty of situations that try your patience. My great-grandma taught me, "never waste a good panic," and she's right. I mean, she's a crazy alcoholic Russian nutcase, but she's right about that. Don't go into crisis mode if you don't have to. Whatever the situation is, take out the emotions and look at it rationally. Rarely are things as bad in reality as we make them out to be in our mind.
  3. Some people say, "fake it till you make it," but I say, learn it till you earn it. Faking confidence is totally fine; but if you put in some elbow grease, you'll get to the point where you won't need to fake it. Whatever the task, break it up into small pieces and do the damn thing. You can do the thing. You will do the thing! :D
  4. Don't plan TO it, plan THROUGH it! That little gem comes from my psych nurse mom. She's pretty legit. Whatever the situation is, you need to plan all the way through. We often don't like facing bad outcomes; instead, we try and tell ourselves that it won't happen. Lots of people say, "I'm gonna study really hard for that pharmacology test so that I don't fail it." Instead, try and say, "I'll study really hard. But even so, there's a chance I'll fail. If that happens, my next step is ___." There you go, you've planned through it. And if you do fail, you'll already be prepared with your backup plan while others in the same boat are still busy freaking out about their grade. If you plan through it, nothing will ever be a surprise for you.
  5. No man is an island. The really, really great thing about nursing is the amount of responsibility we have. That's also one of the scariest things. If you were stranded on a deserted island in the middle who the fuck knows ocean, what's the first thing you'd do? You'd explore the island and find your resources. That's what you'll do in school too - Find. Your. Resources. Does your school have tutoring services? Counseling services? A health center? Who do you go to if you don't know what paperwork is due? Who can you turn to for test-taking advice? Schools often have a ton of resources - so use them! In nursing, you're gonna need to ask for advice, so this is an opportunity to practice that. You're never alone unless you make yourself alone.
  6. Comparing yourself to others is the surest way to make yourself miserable - DON'T DO IT. Nursing attracts a lot of over-achievers, let's be real here. You'll meet people who take impeccable notes; who are extroverts and have no problems making friends; who get great grades without ever cracking a book. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE THEM. You can be you and still be amazing.
  7. Study smart, not hard. We often do a certain amount of input and expect a certain output. For example, "if I study for __ hours, I should get a B. If I study for even longer, I'll get an A." It doesn't work like that in nursing school. You've gotta find out a study method that works for you; you might have to change that method for each course; and you've gotta be flexible - if you're getting C's, change it up! Do something different! Doesn't matter what, as long as it's not what you're doing now. For my Fundamentals final my cumulative study guide was only two pages. But it did the trick, because I used those two pages wisely.
  8. Don't do what you're told. People in your life are gonna place a lot of expectations on you. Maybe your parents don't want you to be a nurse. Maybe your friends think you should work in psych. Maybe your spouse thinks you should be able to work full time while in school. If I've learned anything in hospice, it's this: You've got to be the most important person in your life, because one day you may be the only person in your life. You CANNOT live your life for other people, because one day they'll be gone and you will be left dealing with the consequences of the choices you made. Advocate for yourself. Do what you want, not what you're told. Live life on your own terms.
  9. Practice radical self-acceptance. Okay here's where I give you wishy-washy general life advice. You can skip ahead if your life is perfect. We are WAY too hard on ourselves. If I asked you to name three things you don't like about yourself, I bet you'd be able to do it in a heartbeat. Now try and come up with three things you love about yourself. That's a little harder, right? It is for me, at least. You're gonna meet some people in nursing school who really cramp your style. They'll make you question your abilities. You'll feel bad about yourself. Here's the thing: If you radically embrace yourself for exactly who you are right now, in this moment, nobody can ever use it as a weapon against you. That doesn't mean you have to love everything about yourself, it just means you accept it for what it is. If you can embrace yourself as you are, then nobody else gets to dictate the way you feel about yourself. You become the captain now. Lemme give you an example. I struggle with depression and self-harm. My arms are covered in scars. Do I like them? Nope. Do I accept them? Oh hell yes! This is who I am, and I accept that. When I notice someone staring, I don't feel any shame because I've already come to terms with who I am. If someone asks, I freely tell them. If they decide "okay this girl's crazy," that's just fine with me! Bye Felicia! But if they accept me in return, then I embrace them with open arms. By practicing radical acceptance, you quickly figure out who is worth your time, love, and attention, and who can go take a damn hike. You let your garden weed itself! You are the foundation of your life - everything else builds off of you. If your house is a mess, you gotta start with the foundation. Please, accept yourself for who you are. Strengthen that foundation, and the rest of the house will fall into place. Life is way too short to not enjoy every crazy second of it.
There it is, my nursing school crash-course. Breathe! You can do this! I mean, if this crazy woman can do it, anyone can do it. Let me know down below what your favorite nursing school tip is, and please, take a moment and find something that makes you smile today. We all deserve it.
There are probably typos in here. I'm cool with that. Ignore them, because I'm likely too lazy to fix them.
submitted by MyOwnGuitarHero to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

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Did I Get The Job? Part 3 - Orientation

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4
She knows where I work, she knows what car I drive, and, worst of all, now she knows where I live. She must have followed me the night she approached me on the street. How stupid am I? I should have been more alert!
I know a lot of you were thinking that there was something inside waiting for me. I’d love to tell you that inside my house, Jane was waiting for me with a machete, but there was nothing. I surveyed the area surrounding my house looking for any sign of Jane...nothing. No car parked, and no other sign that she was there. There was no sign of forced entry and nothing inside was disturbed.
It was just the note she left. Still, I slowly made my way upstairs and to my bedroom to check my gun. Yes, I have a gun. Besides taking it to the gun range when I first purchased it, it’s never been taken out of the case. My theory is, I’d rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have one.
I keep it in a locked case under my bed. It sat there, untouched with a layer of dust on the top of it. When I pulled the case out and unlocked it, everything was intact. It did not appear that Jane had been inside my house at all.
My fiancé came home from work about an hour later. Now that Jane knew where I lived, I had to tell her what was going on. She could be in danger, and she needs to have her guard up. I told her the whole story, the interview, the temper-tantrum in my office, Jane approaching me as I walked to my car, the note left on the door…everything.
“Call the police,” was all she could say.
I thought about that, but I didn’t want to. I had little confidence they would actually do anything since there’s really nothing to go off of other than my word. But I knew contacting the police would put my fiancé at ease, so I called them. They sent a trooper to the house, and just as I suspected, they could not do anything.
“Can you prove this ‘Jane’ girl was the one who left the note?” the officer asked when he showed up. “No.” “Do you have any video evidence showing this girl on your premises?” “No.” “Has she physically assaulted you in any way?” “No.”
I couldn’t give them anything to go off of. We were assured they would “make a report” of the situation, and that was all.
We spent the night at my fiance’s mother’s house. My fiancé did not feel safe inside our home and vowed not to go back until there was some sort of closure. I didn’t blame her; I had an uneasy feeling being there too.
The next day was orientation for the nurses I hired last week. Orientations are always a bit trying on the nerves for me. For one, and you’d be surprised, a lot of nurses just don’t show up. Sure I go through all the necessary pre-orientation procedures; I call everyone to confirm the date and time to be here, then I call again and re-confirm the date and time with everyone, as well as emailing everyone the date and time. Still, people don’t show. It’s ironic; nurses will often take these opportunities for granted, whereas Jane probably would have jumped on it.
Orientation started at 7:00am. I showed up for work at 9:00am and approached the front desk. “Good morning. Is everyone here for orientation?” “One no-show,” the receptionist told me. “That’s actually not that bad.”
She gave me the name of the nurse who didn't show up. It was the person who had the most experience out of the bunch. Typical, the ones who have been doing this job the longest are usually the ones who have the most entitled attitude. I’ll make sure to deny her a job in the future when she calls me looking for something.
I went to my office and sat down and went to work. On the first day of employment, legally I have to log every employee into the E-Verification Database to ensure that every employee is legally authorized to work in the United States. It’s a tedious process, but I don’t really have a choice. You can’t fight the government on these things. I also have to submit their W4 and I9 documents to the payroll office. It’s boring stuff.
When I’m doing paperwork, I tend to shut everything else out and focus on only the project at hand. If I somehow screw something up I then have to do ten times the amount of paperwork than if I did it right in the first place, so I don’t let anything distract me from the process. But because I was so focused, I hadn’t noticed her when she stood in the doorway to my office. I have no idea how long she was standing there for, she could have been staring at me for ten minutes for all I know. Watching me work, studying me. I only discovered her existence there when she spoke.
“You should have hired me.”
The sound made me jump. I instantly recognized the voice. It was Jane. I looked up; she was standing in the doorway wearing a white nursing uniform and a surgical mask. In her right hand was a scalpel.
I was speechless. What was she doing here? How did she get in wearing that? What was she planning?
We were caught in a stare-down with each other, neither saying a word. I tried not to show any fear, but I’m not sure if I was successful. My mind was racing as I was trying to figure out what to do. Should I call for help?
Jane, on the other hand, looked completely calm, never flinching, hardly blinking.
I’m not sure how long we were staring at each other, but suddenly, she stepped out of the doorway into the hall, and walked away towards the front of the facility. I didn’t move; trying to comprehend the situation.
I called security from my office phone. “We have an intruder. Short heavyset young girl with bright blond hair. Name - Jane White.”
I didn’t wait for a response, I hung up the phone and walked towards the entrance to my office and looked down the hall. She was gone. Carefully, I walked towards front desk, keeping myself alert in case she was waiting around a corner somewhere. I was about 30 feet from the front desk and within eyesight.
“Did you see her?” I frantically yelled across the room to the front desk. The receptionist turned to me. “Who?” “Jane White! The blond girl!” “Yes I saw her,” she answered matter-of-factly. “Well, where did she go?!” “She’s in orientation. What’s gotten into you?” Did I just hear her correctly? Jane was in the orientation class? I closed the distance to the desk and spoke directly to the receptionist. “What do you mean she’s in orientation?” “What do you mean ‘what do I mean’?” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!” “Look, go to the classroom and see for yourself.”
She wasn't getting in it, but to prove her wrong I walked over to the classroom used for orientation across from the front desk. The door was closed, but it was made of glass and I could see inside. All the new employees were facing away from the door facing the in-service coordinator, Ms. Duncan. I counted the heads....1, 2, 3, 4, 5...6? There should only be 5…
I opened the door and walked into the classroom.
“Ah, good morning!” Ms. Duncan said, announcing my entrance to the class. “You all know Alex.” All of the nurses turned around to look at me, including Jane. They said hello, Jane just stared. I nervously waved and walked over to Ms. Duncan. “I need to speak with you outside for a minute.” “Of course. Everyone, please read over the HIPAA manual, I’ll just be a moment.”
Ms. Duncan followed me outside and as soon as we left the room, I began berating her. “What the hell is she doing here?” “Who?” “JANE! I didn’t put her in the class. Who authorized this?” She looked at me with confusion. “David did.” David. The administrator. My boss. He rarely does this, but occasionally he’ll hire someone without telling me about it. I threw both of my hands to the top of my head in exasperation. “What in the world has gotten into you?”
I didn’t answer her, without saying a word I immediately ran to David’s office. I burst through his door without knocking, something I know he hates. “Did you hire Jane White?!” I didn’t even address him. “Alex! Sure, you can come in,” he said sarcastically. I told you he hates when people don’t knock. “David, please this is important. Did you hire Jane White?” “Yes, why?” “Did you even interview her?” “Didn’t have to. I owed Suzette a favor. She called to cash in.” “Sir, I interviewed her last week.” “You should have hired her,” hearing that made my skin crawl, “then I wouldn’t have had to do any favors for anyone.” “She’s a liability.” “I’m sure she’s not that bad.” “She threw my Derek Jeter baseball at a frame on my wall, she followed me to my car, she left a threatening note on the front door of my house...believe me, she’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.” “The last time you gave me a hard time about hiring a nurse she won ‘Employee of the Month’ 7 months straight.” “This is different....” “Look, what’s done is done. Now if you don’t mind, I’m very busy.” “But sir…” “I’m not going to ask you again. Please leave.” He looked at me with that serious look he always does. Don’t test me. There was nothing I could do.
Defeated, I went back to my office and closed the door. What the hell was I going to do? Just being in the same building as Jane was filling me with anxiety. But she has what she wanted now - a job. Maybe now that she’s finally done what took her more than 3 years to do she would leave me alone. She has no reason to be mad with me anymore. But even if that were true, what would she do when an unruly dementia patient gave her the finger? Or what if she gets into an altercation with another employee? A person this unstable could not be trusted.
I got Suzette on the phone. She was my last hope. “I need to speak with you. In person.” “I figured you would call…”
We decided to meet at the Starbucks a few blocks from the facility at 1:00pm. I hadn’t seen Suzette since her retirement party at the facility earlier in the year. I missed her, but I wished we were meeting under different circumstances.
When I arrived at Starbucks, Suzette was already there waiting for me. Walking towards her I could tell she was nervous. Before I could say anything, she got up and gave me a warm hug. “You look well,” she said. “Thanks. It’s nice to see you, Suzy.”
Suzette looked different from the last time I saw her. Like she had rapidly aged. One thing that anyone would tell you about her was that she was a health nut. She ran half marathons, regularly ate healthy, and she was never shy to talk about it and give you her diet tips. But she didn’t look healthy. She was in her mid-40’s, but always looked like she was in her early 30’s. Now she looked like she was in her 50’s.
We sat at a table by the window. The place was empty except for a young man typing away on his laptop with headphones in his ears.
“Suzette, there’s more to Jane than you initially told me, isn’t there?” She turned red. “Yes.” “You should have told me everything. It’s obvious she’s not well.” “I know. I’ve been dealing with it for 3 years now.” She started getting emotional, like she felt guilty for her deception. “It started with Ms. Thomas. She couldn’t give Jane a job, and that first rejection set off a chain of events for Jane. She went on so many interviews, and each time she was rejected she just became more depressed. She never took rejection well. She started putting on weight, her overall attitude was changing for the worse. After two years and still no job, I started trying to help her. I called my friend at a home care agency, but by then it was too late. Jane wasn’t the same person anymore, she became...troubled.” “I’m guessing they didn’t hire her.” “No. And when they didn’t, Jane lashed out at me.” She reached up, grabbed her shirt collar and pulled, exposing her right shoulder. There was a scar that ran about 4 inches. “She did this to me,” she said, choking on her words as she spoke. “She plunged a knife right into the top of my shoulder, blaming me for the rejection.” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My mouth was wide open in shock. “Remember those two weeks I took off last year for a “family emergency”? “It was because of this??” “Yes. I was only in the hospital for three days, but the rest of the time was spent with Jane when she was placed in a psychiatric center. They diagnosed her with Stage 1 Anxiety, dramatic to full lifestyle impairment. They insisted on one-to-one assistance before they released her, considering it resulted in violence. She spent 6 months there before they determined she was capable of normal, lasting health. And then she was home with me. That’s why I retired; so I could stay home with her.” “Wait, that’s why you retired?” “Please, I’m middle aged, still plenty of fight in me. I don’t need to hang it up just yet. But there was no way I could possibly juggle work and Jane at the same time. Since I left the job I’ve been taking care of Jane, my girl. It was grueling, but she showed signs of improvement, and soon she wanted to start going on job interviews again. I was against it. She wasn’t ready. Despite my objections, she started sending out her resume. I knew I couldn’t prevent it, so I thought I would put in a good word for her at my old stomping grounds.” “Why didn’t you just bring her to the facility when she first graduated?” “I don’t believe in nepotism. If you want something, you gotta earn it. But after what we had already gone through, I didn’t want to risk another rejection. I figured the surest bet was with you.” “You really didn’t think that I would be oblivious to this, would you? I mean, my entire job is to read people.” “I had hope. But then she came home and it was if all the therapy she went through never happened. I was afraid she would attack me again, so I called David and cashed in a favor.” “Suzette, you realize that she’s not mentally capable of being a nurse. She’s a risk to everyone in that facility.” She started crying. “I know, but I just want the best for my little girl. You should have seen her four years ago, you would have liked her.” She grabbed a napkin and wiped away a tear. “She was such a sweet girl. So beautiful. Any mother would have been proud.” I reached out and placed my hand on Suzette’s shoulder, the one without the scar. “You’re a wonderful person; a wonderful mom. I admire you for everything you put yourself through. The bottom line is, Jane cannot work as a nurse. As sad as that is for you and for her, she can’t.” Suzette buried her face in her hands, she was overcome with emotion. “I know.” “You need to call David and tell him this. All of it. He’s the only person capable of removing Jane from the orientation, and if he knows all of this, he’ll send her home today.” I reached into my pocket and placed my cell phone on the table. “Make the call.” Suzette reluctantly grabbed the phone and dialed the number. “Hello, David? It’s Suzette. I need to talk to you about Jane.” I sat and listened while Suzette explained the whole situation to David, occasionally stopping to collect her thoughts and emotions. After five minutes on the phone she hung up. She seemed relieved when she handed the phone back to me. “He’s going to speak with Jane right away and send her home.” “You did the right thing. Jane needs to receive more psychiatric help, and you should contact the hospital she stayed immediately at to tell them what’s been happening. I’ll help you with anything you need.” “Thank you.”
We said a tearful goodbye and I left the Starbucks to head back to the facility. While walking I thought more about Suzette. I felt horrible to put her in this situation. What other choice did I have? I couldn't just ignore this and pretend that Jane was like any other nurse. She’s different, and her presence at the facility posed danger to everyone there, including me.
When I arrived at the facility, I went through the front doors and spoke with the receptionist.
“Do you know if David spoke with Jane?” “He did. He took her out of the class and into his office. Jane left shortly after, running out of the facility in a panic. She seemed upset. What’s this all about?” “Long story, I’ll tell you another time. If you see Jane here at all, call security.”
I left the desk and began walking to David’s office. I needed to speak with him and ask him what happened when he told Jane she had to leave. When I reached his door, I knocked. “David? It’s Alex. Can I speak with you?” He didn't answer. I knocked again. “David, please, I know you probably don’t want to talk about this, but I need to speak to you about everything.” Still no answer.
I twisted the knob and opened the door to the most gruesome scene I ever laid eyes on. There, sitting in the chair behind his desk, was David. A scalpel stuck out of his chest and his throat was slit. His clothes were soaked in blood.
Jane had murdered David.
I’m still going through all of the messages from the last post. I wanted to get back to everybody by this weekend, but I simply did not have the time, and there’s so many to go through! Thank you all for sending your handwriting to me and expressing your enjoyment of the story so far. If I haven’t responded to you yet, don’t worry, I vow to respond to every single one of you eventually!
The conclusion to this story is being worked on and it should be up in time for Halloween!
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Introduction and Question: My Lamy 2k EF arrived true to size and smooth, but not as wet as I hoped. Anybody have experience increasing flow on these nibs?

Since this is my first post I feel I should introduce. It's been 6 months and 5 pens since I contracted nib fever. Once I realized how much money I wasn't spending on alcohol since starting law school, I figured I would spend that money making sure I was using the best tools. So what started out as the search for the perfect highlighter turned into a downward spiral that ultimately brought me into the world of fountain pens and premium paper. I've got to say, this is pretty sweet stuff. I started with Pilot Metros in F and M, and my collection has blown up to its current state: Lamy Safaris in F, M, and 1.1; a Faber Castell eMotion (M); and a Platinum Century 3776 Nice (M).
After falling in love with the wetness of my smooth writing Vista F nib, I decided I'd "check the box" and pick up a Lamy 2000 that put down a similar line. After reading up, I figured the EF nib would be my surest bet, given the testimonials regarding line width and wetness of the EF being virtually indistinguishable from the F nibs.
Today the 2000 arrived in perfect working order. Before inking up with Iroshizuku Shin Kai, I made sure the tines were aligned, inspected the nib/feed unit, and I made sure I gave the ink some time to saturate the feed before finally putting the nib to paper. (Side note: Reports of a dreadfully small sweet spot appear to be greatly over exaggerated; you really have to rotate the pen to fall out of it.) When compared to a Lamy Vista F, the actual width of the dried lines are not too different, but the EF is noticeably finer (if only slightly). However, this isn't the gusher I was hoping for.
[tl;dr] I like this pen, but I would like it a lot more if it were a bit more generous with ink. Any tips on increasing the ink flow on this tiny nib?? Or should I just send it back and ask for one in fine?
submitted by parlayallday to fountainpens [link] [comments]

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