Splendour in Tamil Meaning - Tamil to English Dictionary

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Benvinguts - This week's language of the week: Catalan

Catalan is a Romance language spoken by approximately 10 million speakers, with roughly 4 million being native speakers. It is the only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia (where the language is known as Valencian). It also has semi-official status in the Italian comune of Alghero. It is also spoken in the eastern strip of Aragon, in some villages of Region of Murcia called Carche and in the Pyrénées-Orientales department of France. These territories are often called Països Catalans or "Catalan Countries".


Historian Jaume Villanueva stated that the first sample of Catalan was a sentence in a now-lost manuscript from Ripoll. It was a whimsical note in 10th- or early 11th-century calligraphy: Magister m[eu]s no vol que em miras novel ("my master does not want you to watch me, newbie"). Around the 9th century, however, certain texts written in macaronic Latin start to show Catalan traits. However, it was not until the 11th century that texts written wholly in Catalan started to appear. Some of these texts are Oath of Radulf Oriol (ca. 1028-1047) Complaints of Guitard Isarn, Lord of Caboet (ca. 1080–1095), or The Oath of Peace and Truce of Count Pere Ramon (1098). However, it was often difficult at this time to determine if the language of some texts was Catalan or Occitan, as the two languages were extremely similar at the time.
Catalan lived a golden age during the Late Middle Ages, reaching a peak of maturity and cultural plenitude. Examples of this can be seen in the works of Majorcan polymath Ramon Llull (1232–1315), the Four Great Chronicles (13th-14th centuries), and the Valencian school of poetry which culminated in Ausiàs March (1397–1459).
By the 15th century, the city of Valencia had become the center of social and cultural dynamism, and Catalan was present all over the Mediterranean world.The belief that political splendor was correlated with linguistic consolidation was voiced through the Royal Chancery, which promoted a highly standardized language
After the Nueva Planta Decrees, the use of Catalan in administration and education was banned in the Kingdom of Spain. It was not until the Renaixença that use of the Catalan language saw a resurgence.
In Francoist Spain (1939–1975), the use of Spanish in place of Catalan was promoted, and public use of Catalan was initially repressed and discouraged by official propaganda campaigns. The use of Catalan in government-run institutions and in public events was banned. During later stages of the Francoist regime, certain folkloric or religious celebrations in Catalan were allowed to resume and were tolerated. Use of Catalan in the mass media was initially forbidden, but beginning in the early 1950s, it was permitted in the theater. Publishing in Catalan continued throughout the dictatorship. There were attempts at prohibiting the use of spoken Catalan in public and in commerce, and all advertising and signage had to be in Spanish, as did all written communication in business.
Following the death of Franco in 1975 and the restoration of democracy under a constitutional monarchy, the use of Catalan increased significantly because of new affirmative action and subsidy policies. The Catalan language is now used in politics, education and the media, including the newspapers Avui ("Today"), El Punt ("The Point"), Ara ("Now"), La Vanguardia and El Periódico de Catalunya (sharing content with El Periòdic d'Andorra, printed in Andorra); and the television channels of Televisió de Catalunya (TVC): TV3, and Canal 33 (culture channel), Super3/3XL (cartoons channel) as well as a 24-hour news channel 3/24 and the sports channel Esport 3; in Valencia à punt; in the Balearic islands IB3; in Catalonia there are also some private channels such as 8TV and Barça TV.


As a Romance language, Catalan is related to other well-known languages such as Spanish and French, as well as to lesser-known Romance languages such as Aromanian and Sardinian. It is more distantly related to other Indo-European languages such as English, Hindi and ancient Hittite.
Catalan's full classification is as follows:
Indo-European > Italic > Romance > Western Romance > Gallo-Romance > Occitano-Romance > Catalan
Catalan contains seven stressed vowel phonemes, which, depending on the dialect, often reduce down to three distinct phonemes when they are unstressed. There are 25 or 26 consonant phonemes, depending on the dialect. Stress most often occurs on any of the last three syllables of a word.
As in most Romance languages, Catalan nouns, adjectives, pronouns and articles are inflected for two genders (masculine and feminine) and two numbers (singular and plural). Apart from the pronouns, Catalan retains no case inflection.
Catalan exhibits more personal pronouns than either Spanish or Italian, with a total of 13, the subject forms are listed in the table below. Like most European languages, there is a T-V distinction in the language based on formality, so a different (more formal) pronoun would be used. There is also an additional, more respectful form of the second person singular pronoun that is archaic except in a few dialects and administrative texts, also included in the table below. Like many Romance language, pronomial objects (both direct and indirect) are represented as either clitics before the verb or as suffixes to the verb.
Pronoun Meaning
jo, mi 1st singular
nosaltres 1st plural
tu 2nd singular informal
vosaltres 2nd plural informal
vostè 2nd singular formal
vostès 2nd plural formal
vós 2nd person respectful
ell 3rd person singular masculine
ells 3rd person plural masculine
ella 3rd person singular feminine
elles 3rd person plural feminine
si 3rd person reflexive
hom 3rd person impersonal
Catalan verbs can inflect for a wide variety of tenses, aspects and moods, and is typologically a fusional paradigm. Overall, there are 11 total verbal forms, though one of them is archaic. The non-finite forms are the infinitive, the root form of the verb, the gerund, the past participial; the finite forms include indicative present, imperfect, preterite (archaic), future and conditional; subjunctive present and imperfect; and the imperative. Within each finite paradigm, there are six different forms, representing each of the three persons and two numbers; like many other Romance languages, the formal second person forms conjugate in the manner of the third person.
Catalan word order is generally subject-verb-object, but can also be fairly free to allow for slight semantic differences and topic focuses.
Catalan uses the Latin script, with some added symbols and digraphs. The Catalan orthography is systematic and largely phonologically based.Standardization of Catalan was among the topics discussed during the First International Congress of the Catalan Language, held in Barcelona October 1906. Subsequently, the Philological Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC, founded in 1911) published the Normes ortogràfiques in 1913 under the direction of Antoni Maria Alcover and Pompeu Fabra. In 1932, Valencian writers and intellectuals gathered in Castelló de la Plana to make a formal adoption of the so-called Normes de Castelló, a set of guidelines following Pompeu Fabra's Catalan language norms
Text sample:
Tenia prop de divuit anys quan vaig conèixer en Raül, a l'estació de Manresa. El meu pare havia mort, inesperadament i encara jove, un parell d'anys abans, i d'aquells temps conservo un record de punyent solitud. Les meves relacions amb la mare no havien pas millorat, tot el contrari, potser fins i tot empitjoraven a mesura que em feia gran. No existia, no existí mai entre nosaltres, una comunitat d'interessos, d'afeccions. Cal creure que cercava... una persona en qui centrar la meva vida afectiva.
Spoken sample:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN4fDhAcGTM (Wikitongues video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diITZkQlcxs&list=PLjDCKlXHQBGYSpTwIy3MSfs7qmn0Artz- (Playlist of Catalan folksongs)
Sources & Further reading
Wikipedia on Catalan
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This thread is foremost a place for discussion. Are you a native speaker? Share your culture with us. Learning the language? Tell us why you chose it and what you like about it. Thinking of learning? Ask a native a question. Interested in linguistics? Tell us what's interesting about it, or ask other people. Discussion is week-long, so don't worry about post age, as long as it's this week's language.

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Unreached People Group of the Week -the Moor in Sri Lanka

Real talk for a second. My heart has been hurting these days with all thats going on in the US, I nearly decided to do an entire post on it and how we need to be praying for people to see a clear picture of the Gospel through our clear loving actions in the US. At this moment the Gospel being presented through actions of Christians is super confused and not a clear picture of Christ. And so we need to do be better and help present a better picture of the Gospel by coming alongside our brothers and sisters who are hurting but we cannot and should not forget people that have no picture of the Gospel at all. So today, I will include a prayer request for the US but we will still focus on a people group that doesn't even know of Jesus, even if its mixed signals of Jesus.
So meet the Sri Lankan Moor people of Sri Lanka.
How Unreached Are They?
The Sri Lankan Moor people are 0% Christian. That means at best there are maybe a handful of believers in all of their population, which is around 600,000 people.
There is a complete bible translation in their language!
What are they like?
Although the caste system is not observed by the Moors such as it is in the other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, their kudi system (matriclan system) is an extension of the Tamil tradition
The Sri Lankan Moors have been strongly shaped by Islamic culture, with many customs and practices according to Islamic law. While preserving many of their ancestral customs, the Moors have also adopted several South Asian practices.
The Moors practice several customs and beliefs, which they closely share with the Arab, Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese People. Tamil and Sinhala customs such as wearing the Thaali or eating Kiribath were widely prevalent among the Moors. Arab customs such as congregational eating using a large shared plate called the 'sahn' and wearing of the North African fez during marriage ceremonies feed to the view that Moors are of mixed Sinhalese, Tamil and Arab heritage.
There have been a growing trend amongst Moors to rediscover their Arab heritage and reinstating the Arab customs that are the norm amongst Arabs in Middle East and North Africa. These include replacing the sari and other traditional clothing associated with Sinhalese and Tamil culture in favour of the abaya and hijab by the women as well as increased interest in learning Arabic and appetite for Arab food by opening restaurants and takeaways that serve Arab food such as shawarma and Arab bread.
The late 19th century saw the phase of islamization of Sri Lankan Moors, primarily under the influence of M. C. Siddi Lebbe. He was a leading figure in the Islamic revival movement, and strengthened the Muslim identity of the Sri Lankan Moors. He was responsible for the ideological framework for the Muslim ethnicity in Sri Lanka. Wikipedia
History Lesson
The Moors trace their ancestry to Arab traders who settled in Sri Lanka some time between the eighth and fifteenth centuries. Fascinated by the scenic splendor, Muslim merchants arrived in large numbers and some decided to settle in the island, encouraged by the cordial treatment they received from local rulers. Most lived along the coastal areas in peace and prosperity. The Sri Lankan Moors possess a unique culture that differentiates them from the dominant Sinhalese and Tamil ethnic groups on the island. The culture of Sri Lankan Moors has been strongly shaped by Islam, hence most customs and practices are dictated by Islamic law. While preserving many of their ancestral customs, the Moors have also adopted several South Asian practices. Joshua Project
And this
The Sri Lankan Civil War was a 26-year conflict fought on the island of Sri Lanka between government and separatist militant organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the LTTE, also known as the Tamil Tigers). LTTE tried to make northern Sri Lanka into a Tamil country called Tamil Eelam.
Since 1888 under the initiative of Ponnambalam Ramanathan, the Sri Lankan Tamils launched a campaign to classify those Sri Lankan Moors who spoke Tamil as Tamils, primarily to bolster their population numbers for the impending transition to democratic rule in Sri Lanka. Their view holds that the Sri Lankan Moors were simply Tamil converts to Islam. The claim that the Moors were the progeny of the original Arab settlers might hold good for a few families, but not for the entire bulk of the community.
According to some Tamil nationalists, the concept of Arab descent among Tamil-speaking Moors was invented just to keep the community away from the Tamils, and this 'separate identity' intended to check the latter's demand for the separate state Tamil Eelam and to flare up hostilities between the two groups in the broader Tamil-Sinhalese conflict.
The expulsion of the Muslims from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE carried out riots and forcibly expelled the Muslim population from the Northern Province and confiscated their properties and destroyed the Mosques. Wikipedia
What do they believe?
Nearly all of the Moor people follow Islam.
Islam was spread to Sri Lanka by contacts with the merchant ships operated by the Moor traders between Serendib (Old Persian / Arabic name for Sri Lanka), and various ports in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.
How Can We Pray for Them?
Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for Reformed
People Group Country Date Posted Beliefs
Moor Sri Lanka 06/15/20 Islam
Shaikh Bangladesh 06/08/20 Islam
Khalka Mongols Mongolia 06/01/20 Animism
Comorian France 05/18/20 Islam
Bedouin Jordan 05/11/20 Islam
Muslim Thai Thailand 05/04/20 Islam
Nubian Uganda 04/27/20 Islam
Kraol Cambodia 04/20/20 Animism
Tay Vietnam 04/13/20 Animism
Yoruk Turkey 04/06/20 Islam
Xiaoliangshn Nosu China 03/30/20 Animism
Jat (Muslim) Pakistan 03/23/20 Islam
Beja Bedawi Egypt 03/16/20 Islam
Tunisian Arabs Tunisia 03/09/20 Islam
Yemeni Arab Yemen 03/02/20 Islam
Bosniak Croatia 02/24/20 Islam
Azerbaijani Georgia 02/17/20 Islam
Zaza-Dimli Turkey 02/10/20 Islam
Huichol Mexico 02/03/20 Animism
Kampuchea Krom Cambodia 01/27/20 Buddhism
Lao Krang Thailand 01/20/20 Buddhism
Gilaki Iran 01/13/20 Islam
Uyghurs China 01/01/20 Islam
Israeli Jews Israel 12/18/19 Judaism
Drukpa Bhutan 12/11/19 Buddhism
Malay Malaysia 12/04/19 Islam
Lisu (Reached People Group) China 11/27/19 Christian
Dhobi India 11/20/19 Hinduism
Burmese Myanmar 11/13/19 Buddhism
Minyak Tibetans China 11/06/19 Buddhism
Yazidi Iraq 10/30/19 Animism*
Turks Turkey 10/23/19 Islam
Kurds Syria 10/16/19 Islam
Kalmyks Russia 10/09/19 Buddhism
Luli Tajikistan 10/02/19 Islam
Japanese Japan 09/25/19 Shintoism
Urak Lawoi Thailand 09/18/19 Animism
Kim Mun Vietnam 09/11/19 Animism
Tai Lue Laos 09/04/19 Bhuddism
Sundanese Indonesia 08/28/19 Islam
Central Atlas Berbers Morocco 08/21/19 Islam
Fulani Nigeria 08/14/19 Islam
Sonar India 08/07/19 Hinduism
Pattani Malay Thailand 08/02/19 Islam
Thai Thailand 07/26/19 Buddhism
Baloch Pakistan 07/19/19 Islam
Alawite Syria 07/12/19 Islam*
Huasa Cote d'Ivoire 06/28/19 Islam
Chhetri Nepal 06/21/19 Hinduism
Beja Sudan 06/14/19 Islam
Yinou China 06/07/19 Animism
Kazakh Kazakhstan 05/31/19 Islam
Hui China 05/24/19 Islam
Masalit Sudan 05/17/19 Islam
As always, if you have experience in this country or with this people group, feel free to comment or PM me and I will happily edit it so that we can better pray for these peoples!
Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached"
submitted by partypastor to Reformed [link] [comments]

splendor meaning in tamil video

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Splendor definition, brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace. See more. By Christopher Wells. On August 6 th, the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Church marked the 25 th anniversary of Pope St John Paul II’s landmark encyclical, Veritatis splendor.St John Paul himself explained the reason for the encyclical: Although the Church has “at all times developed and proposed a moral teaching regarding the many different spheres of human life,” in our times, “it splendor - the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand; "for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel"; "his `Hamlet' lacks the brilliance that one expects"; "it is the university that gives the scene its stately splendor"; "an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art"; "advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products" Tamil Meaning of Splendour - Tamil to English Dictionary with Tamil Meanings, Tamil Vocabulary - Searchable Tamil Dictionary 1 a : great brightness or luster : brilliancy. b : magnificence, pomp. 2 : something splendid the splendors of the past. Other Words from splendor Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about splendor. Keep scrolling for more. Tamil-lexicon. தோற்றம். { noun } (British) Alternative spelling of splendor. British standard spelling of [i]splendor [/i]. Great beauty, splendor or honor. a quality that outshines the usual. the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand; "for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel"; "his `Hamlet' lacks the SPLENDOR meaning in tamil, SPLENDOR pictures, SPLENDOR pronunciation, SPLENDOR translation,SPLENDOR definition are included in the result of SPLENDOR meaning in tamil at kitkatwords.com, a free online English tamil Picture dictionary. Origin and Meaning of Splendor User Submitted Origins. English. 58%. American. 17%. Indian (Sanskrit) 8%. Arabic. 4%. Albanian. 4%. Hebrew. 4%. African. 4%. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Splendor to us below. Origin of Splendor Splendor Means. Cited Source. Submit. International Interest Also see international interest. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary noun Splen"dor Senses. Great View the Tamil Baby Girl Names Starting With D Plus Meaning and Choose the Impressive Name based on Numerology from Our List. English words for splendor include shine, splendor, brilliance, radiance, sonority, flower, beauty, adornment, luster and lustre. Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com!

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Shine Meaning

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splendor meaning in tamil

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